Sustainable Office Design: Simple Office Adjustments

In today’s dynamic work environment, the concept of a sustainable office goes beyond mere environmental responsibility. It’s a strategic asset that significantly enhances the well-being of employees, operational efficiencies, and the appeal of commercial properties. For business owners and landlords, embracing sustainable office design is not just an ethical but a smart business move. In addition, incorporating WELL Building Standards™ can also be a part of creating a sustainable office–not just for ethical reasons but for fostering a work environment that supports both our planet and the people who inhabit our spaces daily. Discover savvy ways to incorporate eco-friendly materials, energy-efficient solutions, WELL, and biophilic design principles into a work environment that supports your business goals and contributes to a healthier workforce.

1. Selecting Eco-Friendly Materials

The materials used in office interiors play a crucial role in sustainable design. Opting for eco-friendly materials isn’t just about reducing your carbon footprint; it’s also about creating a healthier work environment. For instance, low-VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) paints and finishes minimize indoor air pollution, safeguarding employee health. You can also opt for products that tell a story of renewal and conservation, such as using local furniture builders or recycled glass countertops. Not only do these choices reduce environmental impact, but they also communicate to your clients and employees your commitment to sustainability.

For landlords, updating a space with eco-friendly materials and using low-VOC paints and finishes can be a powerful selling point, improve value, and attract tenants who are conscious of their environmental impact.


2. Utilizing Energy Efficiently

Have you considered the type of lighting in your space? What about efficient HVAC systems? Or incorporating smart building technologies? Poor fluorescent light causes eye strain and discomfort, migraines can increase stress and disrupt circadian rhythms. Implementing energy-efficient practices can result in significant savings on utility bills while having a minor environmental impact. 

Did you know Xcel Energy offers lighting and HVAC rebates? Check out this link to learn more.

In addition, the WELL standards shine a light on the significant impact lighting has on employee well-being. WELL Building Standards™ consist of features across seven concepts (air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, mind, and innovation) that address how they influence behaviors, health, and well-being in the workplace.*  Emily Dunn mentioned in Spectrum of Topics, Epsiode 2

“The real common theme is about human behavior [is] how the design and elements within a space can either help or hinder a person’s ability to be successful.”

Lighting is one simple way to help with that. Set your space apart by providing amenities that support well-being such as providing ample light in the space, changing out those retro fluorescent lights, and incorporating smart building technologies to help with monitoring your changes.

3. Bringing the Outdoors In

Nature has a profound impact on our well-being and productivity. In Episode 2 of Spectrum of Topics also touched on the undeniable benefits of integrating nature into the workplace through incorporating biophilic design into your space like bringing a tranquil ambiance created by indoor water features to moss-covered accent walls or natural elements like wood, grass, and stone, can reconnect employees with nature, fostering a work environment that is both rejuvenating and inspiring. But it’s not always about aesthetics; it’s about creating an environment that improves employee well-being and the bottom line.

Sustainable office design is more than a trend; it’s a comprehensive approach that benefits business owners, tenants, and landlords alike. By focusing on eco-friendly materials, energy efficiency, and WELL design principles, you can create an office space that not only supports the environment but also fosters healthier, more productive work atmospheres for employees.

As we look towards the future, integrating sustainability and WELL Building Standards™  into workplace is not just an opportunity—it’s a responsibility. Whether you’re a business owner, a tenant, or a landlord, the path to a more sustainable and prosperous future is clear.

If you’re ready to redefine your office space with sustainability at its core, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s create something beautiful, efficient, and sustainable together. Because at Spectrum Interiors, we’re not just designing spaces; we’re designing a better tomorrow.