Coming Soon – Video Series, Spectrum of Topics

You’ve heard it here first! 

Coming Soon… our new video series exclusively airs on YouTube, Spectrum of Topics!

Spectrum of Topics is a monthly video series where host Celeste Lehmann interviews industry thought leaders, Spectrum employees, and local professionals within the Twin Cities to highlight real workplace challenges and relevant topics to consider when determining your workplace and how it translates to your real estate.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel below!


At Spectrum Interiors, it’s our mission to reshape the path for creating an interior office space. We believe all elements should work together from beginning to end, with one single point of contact organizing the project from strategy to furnishing, which streamlines communications and mitigates potential risks for our clients. Based in Edina, Minnesota, Spectrum Inteirors is a nimble company covering the entire process of interior office space solutions. We work with our clients from the beginning to strategize, envision, and design custom spaces and see them through to the end with interior construction and furnishing.